Wired — Behind the Curve

The April issue of Wired magazine f-i-n-a-l-l-y takes notice of email publishing — after I’ve been doing it for nearly four years!

The magazine says True is “one of the biggest lists on the Net…. It’s [sic] popularity comes from Cassingham’s shrewd selection of subject matter.”

While that may be true (I like to let the readers judge that part), I think there’s an even more important reason for the publication’s popularity: word of mouth.

I’ve never even sent out a press release on True; growth comes from you telling your friends about it. That is a hugely powerful aspect of my business model that I don’t think very many online ventures have grasped yet.

Some readers actually apologize that they don’t pay the (really very small!) annual fee to get the “Premium” edition. I don’t mind at all if you stay on the free list: that’s why it’s here! Please do forward an issue to your friends with a note on top telling them that if they like it, they can join for free.

Now on to my next goal: 150 countries on the distribution list. (And I got there.)

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